Program overview


You have begun a journey of personal style discovery. This is a journey that will change the way you look at yourself, clothes and fashion forever. The recommendations and guidelines in this portfolio have been designed to simplify your life, make shopping for clothes easier and help you to look and feel your very best.

Once you know you look great your self-esteem and self-confidence will increase dramatically. You will walk, talk and think differently. This will cause others to recognise and respond to you in a positive way. Confidence in yourself and your appearance will cause doors to magically open and attract new and exciting opportunities your way. Business and social relationships will blossom and your chances of career advancement will be significantly improved.

The Details

My Private Stylist has been created specifically for you and covers the following areas:

  • Figure Analysis - A figure assessment has been made according to your measurements and/or observations. This creates an accurate picture of your body shape which allows the program to generate a platform of information from which the design elements of garments and accessories can be assessed for you.
  • Style Selection - Based on your figure analysis your portfolio will give you comprehensive and specific style recommendations that will enhance every aspect of your physical appearance. Shopping and co-ordination will be made easier, your wardrobe will fill with things that make you look and feel great, and compliments will begin to flow.

Optional Style Guide and eBooks

To further enhance your style knowledge, optional image manuals have been created and are available for purchase from this website, press HERE for details. These include:

  • Style Guide - A handbag size Style Solutions Portfolio designed to be easily carried when shopping. The Shopping Guide contains all the diagrams from the Style Solutions Portfolio as well as useful information you can refer to while shopping. Simply transfer the details from your Style Solutions Portfolio into the Guide.
  • Style Wise and Shop Smart - Invaluable information about many essential areas of style. From line and design principles, that will help you understand why your portfolio recommended some styles and advised you to ‘avoid’ others, to personal style expression, shopping tips, how to understand and adapt fashion to your age and lifestyle, and much more, it is highly recommended reading.
  • The Polished Professional - Everything you need to know in order to be perceived as a polished and credible professional. Contains dress, attitude and behavioural information. Do you leave others with the impression you intended?

If You Lose or Gain Weight

If your weight changes in the first twelve months resulting in a observable change to your hip, waist or bust area, you can update your program without cost. You are able to do this twice in the first twelve months. After this time, there is a modest fee.

Please Note that only areas that are likely to change through weight gain or surgical augmentation may be altered; e.g., height and vertical body type cannot be altered.

You will be able to update your program by going to the "Update Portfolio" menu item which will replace 'Order Portfolio' on the yellow note pad in the purchased edition of 'My Private Stylist'.
